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Changing (In)Fertilities



Sandra Gonzáles Santos (México, 1974) is an Associate Researcher of the Institute of Humanities and Health Sciences - School of Bioethics of the Anahuac University, Mexico City, lectures at the Universidad Iberoamericana in the Critical Gender Studies graduate program, and in the Philosophy undergraduate program at the National University (UNAM). Inspired by the field of science and technology studies (STS), she has explored the processes by which people and societies make sense of, appropriate, and transform technologies. Her particular interest is on biotechnologies related to reproduction, specifically on how with and through these technologies and the systems they create and are part of, we are creating new social orders. Her recently published book, A Portrait of Assisted Reproduction in Mexico: Scientific, Political, and Cultural Interactions (Palgrave, 2019), looks at the development of assisted reproduction services in Mexico, a story that goes back to the 1930s and then up to the 2010s. She has also published on the interaction and the social dynamics within infertility clinics, on the experience of users of assisted reproduction, on the professionalisation of the medical field of assisted reproduction, and on the media coverage of this field. She is also interested in experimenting with different art forms as a way of creating critical and creative pedagogic tools to be used in her teaching activities and has worked at the National Arts Centre as a coordinator of interdisciplinary research groups.


Key publications: 

A Portrait of Assisted Reproduction in Mexico: Scientific, Political, and Cultural Interactions. Palgrave, 2020.

Cyborg Empathy for the Age of (In)difference. In: Modified: Living as a Cyborg. Edited By Chris Hables Gray, Heidi Figueroa-Sarriera, Steven Mentor. ISBN 9780815364016

Villela Cortés, Fabiola; González-Santos, Sandra (2020) La creación tecnológica de monstruos y quimeras.  A 200 años de Frankenstein. Heuresis. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras UNAM, México.

Cross-border reproductive healthcare. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology & Society Journal. Vol.3. 2020.

González-Santos, S. P., Stephens, N., & Dimond, R. (2018) Narrating the First "Three-Parent Baby": The Initial Press Reactions From the United Kingdom, the United States, and Mexico. Science Communication, 23.

González-Santos, S. P (2017) Shifting the focus on the legality of the first maternal spindle transfer case. Journal of Law and the Biosciences. 

González-Santos, S. P (2017) From Esterilología to Reproductive Biology: The Story of the Mexican Assisted Reproduction Business. Reproductive Medicine and Society Online

Sumando esfuerzos: el diálogo entre los estudios CTS y los estudios en comunicación
Revista Iberoamericana de Comunicación (2016) No. 39, pp.45-69

González-Santos, S. P & Dimond, R.(2015) Medical and Scientific Conferences as Sites of Sociological Interest: A Review of the Field. Sociology Compass 2015, 9/3:235–245, 10.1111/soc4.12250

González-Santos, S. P (2014) Specialisation in Action: the genealogy and current state of assisted reproduction. Bulletin of Science Technology Society. February/April 2014, 34 (1-2): 33-42  

González-Santos, S. P (2011) Space, structure and social dynamics within the clinical setting: Two case studies of assisted reproduction in Mexico City. Health and Place, 2011, 17(1):166-174, Elsevier

Dra. Sandra P. González Santos, 
Investigadora Independiente, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel 1
Book Reviewer Editor, Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology & SocietyálezSantos

Bioethics Faculty, Anahuac University
 Sandra  González-Santos
Not available for consultancy