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Changing (In)Fertilities



Michal Nahman is a medical and political anthropologist whose work has centred on cross-border reproduction, nationalism and migration. She has conducted ethnographic research on egg donation since 2002, in Israel/Palestine, Romania and Spain. Her latest project has explored the ways in which migrant women experience and express their role in transnational egg providing networks. Earlier research explored the intersectional ways in which inequalities happen in IVF with egg donation, and how nationalism is reproduced. Through detailed ethnographic work she has explored the socio-technical dimensions of this reproduction of identities and/across borders. Nahman has explored questions of the labour of egg provision as well as themes of race, racism and (post)coloniality. More recently she has worked with colleagues Victoria clarke (UWE), Naomi Moller (OU), and Fiona Tasker (Birkbeck) on a project about Embryo Donation and is currently exploring Global Fertility Chains, with Dr. Sigrid Vertommen.


Key publications: 

Nahman, M. 2018. Migrant Extractability: Centring the voices of egg providers in cross-border reproduction. in Marcin Smietana and Charis Thompson Eds., Special Issue of Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online. V7

Nahman, M. 2018. ReproMigrants: An Ethnographic Account of the Early Days of Cross Border Egg Donation Between Israel and Romania. In Schicktanz,  S.; Patel, T.; Mitra, S. Eds. Cross-Cultural Comparisons on Surrogacy and Egg Donation: Interdisciplinary perspectives from India, Israel and Germany. Palgrave MacMillan. 

Tasker, F., Gubello, A., Clarke, V., Moller, N., Nahman, M., Wilcox, R. 2018. Receiving, or 'Adopting', Donated Embryos to Have Children: Parents Narrate and Draw Kinship Boundaries. Genealogy 2018, 2. 

Nahman, M. 2016. Reproductive Tourism: Through the Anthropological 'Reproscope' Annual Review of Anthropology Vol 45: 417-432.

Nahman, M. 2013. Extractions: An Ethnography of Reproductive Tourism. Palsgrave (Global Ethics series): Basingstoke.

Department of Health and Social Sciences, University of the West of England, Bristol
 Michal  Nahman
Not available for consultancy